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Only in Lebanon

Only in Lebanon

About Lebanon


Lebanon is a year-round destination, with a Mediterranean climate and sun shining 300 days a year. In terms of weather the best times to visit the country are spring and autumn. The summer coastal climate is hot and humid, but in the mountains it is very pleasant. Winter is mild and rainy in the lowlands and it snows at elevations over 1300 metres, where skiing is very popular in the country's six ski resorts: Faraya, Cedars, Faqra, Laqlouq, Qanat Bakish, and Zaarour. The snow ensures good skiing from December through April.

Humidity is high along the coast in summer and daytime temperatures average 30°C with night temperatures not much lower.
Beirut in summer becomes a commuter society as families move to the mountains to enjoy the cool dry climate. Winters on the coast can be dry and mild one day and wet and chilly the next. Winter daytime temperatures average 15°C. In the mountains summer daytime temperatures average 26°C and the nights are pleasantly cool. Winters are cold and it snows at the higher elevations.


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